ThePHMFA Cheerleading Values
Respect. The ability to listen to others’ opinions and respect that they differ from person to person. Respecting the differences of others as everyone has different ideas and thoughts to include, even if you don’t agree. This includes respecting others religious and cultural beliefs and not making one feel they are less than for being different from you.
Dedication. Practice makes perfect. If you sign up, you show up.
Teamwork. The very essence of a cheerleader is one person encouraging another. Cheerleaders work on appreciating that every individual new skill makes the team stronger, and as their trust for one another and friendships grow, their team strengthens.
ACCOUNTABILITY. The understanding that we are responsible to our coaches, our teammates, and our teachers. The acknowledgment of the fact that there are consequences when we fall short of what is expected of us. Cheerleaders must be open to differences of opinions and critiques from coaches and teammates.
Smile. Even if you don’t feel like it. We are here ultimately to have fun and a good time with peers. We have to be a good Spirits even if our attitudes aren’t that at the moment its always still good to Smile.
Cheerleading Rules
The following are rules that you will be expected to adhere to throughout the season, including the preseason clinics, which begins in May and ends in November. By joining the team, you agree to follow these rules at all times. Any violation of these rules will be considered by the coaching staff, who will determine an appropriate penalty. Penalties may range from running a lap to dismissal from the squad depending on the severity or frequency of infractions. Should you or your parents disagree with a coach’s decision, you are encouraged to speak to the Team Parent to come to an understanding.
Be respectful. We expect complete respect to ALL cheerleaders, coaches, and fans throughout the entire season. We have ZERO TOLERANCE of any verbal or physical disrespect, downing other teams, or bullying of any type including social media.
Be on time. Be on time for ALL practices, games, fundraisers and any other events!
Be prepared. Make sure you have all equipment required for all games and practices (water bottle, uniform, sneakers, warm-ups, pom-poms, bow, etc.). You must be dressed in complete uniform with your hair up and bow in, wearing your appropriate undergarments, and white ankle socks. This includes no jewelry or gum. If you do not have your full uniform on gameday, you will sit out for that game/event. We will still want you to participate with your team by staying with them and sitting with the coach.
Be determined. You must attend all practices, games, and events with the willingness to work hard. You must maintain a professional and positive attitude at all times.
Manage your attendance. In order to be able to cheer at a game you must be at the last practice prior to that game. We understand things come up please be respectful of the coach’s time and let them know ahead of time. Any practices you miss, you will be responsible for learning what you missed. Please text or call one of the coaches to let us know if you will not be at practice or game.
Care for your uniform. Uniforms are your responsibility! If the uniform is torn or damaged during the season you must get it repaired. Uniforms MUST be washed and kept neat throughout the season.
Pay attention to the game. No conversing with the crowd, team, friends, family, or other squad members during the games. You are there to cheer, not socialize.
Come dressed. Dress appropriately for all games and practices. T-shirts/tank tops and shorts are preferred for practices. Hair must be pulled back, including bangs for games and events. Sneakers are a must!
Appearance Standards No acrylic nails. Please keep your nails trimmed so they do not cut another cheerleader during stunting.
Stay off your phone. Cell phones need to be turned off or silenced while practicing and during games. You may use them on breaks and after events, but you will not be permitted to text or call during practice/games unless it is an emergency.